
Pulsar is an educational platform that belongs to the National Agency (I+D+I) of the Argentinian Government. It aims at the democratization of access to scientific knowledge and shares free content about science, technology and innovation.

We joined the project with a purpose in mind: to make improvements to the existing platform easier to apply. The application had already been built with different technologies and services that came together as a frontend application that integrated multiple backoffice services.

Our challenge was to work together with the existing team to enable the platform’s growth and scalability in an effective and iterative way. 

We introduced and applied some XP technical practices such as TDD and Pair Programming.

Applying different testing strategies allowed us to work on solid ground and feel safer to develop new features while improving the codebase. Then, by applying recfactoring techniques and clean code we reached our original goal of getting the software ready to scale in a more efficient and clean way.

Nowadays, the business keeps growing at a rapid pace and evolving its functionality by getting more actors and features involved.


Embedded Teams, Software Modernization


Responsive Frontend Web, API, Moodle platform, WordPress platform


React & Typescript, NodeJS, Apollo, GraphQL, Moodle, WordPress


6 Months